
Seminar / European Heritage Days 2017 – Heritage and Nature / People, Places, Stories

September, 23 (Supplementary program on the 24th)

The relationship between Cultural Heritage and Nature proposed as the theme of the European Heritage Days, observing the potential that this relationship presents for a deeper interpretation of the Territories and generating truly transforming dynamics among them, is the main goal for the holding of a Seminar gathering contributions from various disciplinary areas and speakers of recognized scientific competence. The Seminar is an opportunity to exchange knowledge and perspectives on the paths of territorial and social innovation to be drawn up, according to the reflection raised by the theme of the European Heritage Days .

Theme: Cultural Landscape – paths of territorial and social innovation

Seminar dedicated to the importance of Heritage and Nature for the “responsible development” of territories and communities, with Speakers from different Disciplinary Areas and recognized scientific competence.

(Program available soon)

Registration (free) is advised, taking into account the limited capacity of the Auditorium of the Monographic Museum of Conímbriga – National Museum.

Location: Conímbriga Monographic Museum – National Museum (Auditorium)

Coordinates: Lat. 40.098272 / Long. -8.490278

Lamentámos, mas o registo para este evento encontra-se encerrado. We are sorry, but registrations for this event are now closed.